Categories: Individual Stocks

Gary Shilling explains the only way to beat the market and win

Top full length videos relevant with Buying Penny Stocks, High Dividend Stocks, Stock Sectors, and Can Individual Stocks Beat the Market, Gary Shilling explains the only way to beat the market and win.

Financial analyst Gary Shilling reveals the lessons he has learned about the economy and markets, how to stay ahead, and why everybody can’t win. Following is a transcript of the video.

Gary Shilling: Well, I’ve learned a lot of lessons over the years, and most of them the hard way. But, there are a couple of basic facts.

If you look at the economy, it grows over time. Not at a steady rate, but it grows over time. And markets, particularly the stock market, reflects that. In other words, if you have the economy growing at, let’s say the nominal economy, nominal GDP growing at 4%. Long-term, corporate profits are going to grow about the same rate.

Obviously, they can’t continually expand faster than the economy or decline relative to the economy. So, that’s where you start.

So, in terms of stocks, the only real difference between how the nominal economy is going, and how the stock market is going, is price-to-earnings ratios, and they move in long cycles. 10, 15 years, they move up, then they’ll tend to move down. And that’s pretty much it.

Now, that’s the overall economy and that’s the overall investment.

Of course, everybody thinks they’re going to beat this, there’s that great gambling instinct in all of us. That’s why people watch financial news programs. That’s why they’re watching us. Everybody’s trying to get a leg up here.

Well, of course everybody can’t win at this game, I mean, on average, it’s going to average out. There is that hope that springs eternal within the human breast, as somebody once said, that you’re going to be ahead of the game.

Now, what that means is, if you are trying to beat the game, you’ve got to be against the consensus. It doesn’t mean that you simply are a contrarian in a sense of, “whatever the consensus is, I’m going to take the opposite side.” No, no. ‘Cause there’s times the consensus can be right, and often is.

But, what it means is that, when you come up with an idea, and it is counter to the consensus, and you think it’s got a good chance of happening, and it’s a trend that’s working, well, then that’s where you want to really jump on it with all force.

That’s what we did in the early 2000s. We saw as early as 2002, what looked like a developing housing bubble. And, so we said, “This isn’t ready to crack yet, but it looks like it’s getting there.”

You had people who were putting nothing down on houses, they assumed that the appreciation would be such they’d never even have to make one monthly payment, because they could refinance, you had the no-doc loans, all this nonsense.

It really was clear.

Now obviously that bubble would not have been developed and not broken ’til really the end of 2007, unless everybody, or most people, were convinced it was going to last forever.

So, there’s a case of where you had an extreme situation, it was against all reality in terms of how long it could last, and it was one of these rare opportunities where going against the trend with a major bubble having developed, where you could make some serious money.


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Can Individual Stocks Beat the Market, Gary Shilling explains the only way to beat the market and win.

Trading To Win – It Takes Uncommon Knowledge

Why we utilize this as our stock investing car will be explained later on. It’s also wiser to pick financial investment vehicles for their return rather than for tax factors to consider.

Gary Shilling explains the only way to beat the market and win, Enjoy top replays relevant with Can Individual Stocks Beat the Market.

10 Reasons To Get Started In Forex Trading Today

ETF’s are funds, however they trade just like a private stock. For those of you who are night owls and choose to trade at 1am, then forex trading is ideal for you. There are lots of cheaters and phonies in this market.

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Specific companies are more vulnerable to regulations, taxes, changes in consumer desires, labor problems and other aspects (including accounting abnormalities and fraud for example ENRON!). That risk can be reduced by investing through shared funds and ETF’s (diversified away). Individual Stocks fluctuate with the entire market AND with modifications (both unfavorable and favorable) to their particular situation.

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So I did a little research study, and what I discovered will stun you. I was floored by the data. I decided to take a peek at the overall market. Then I compared that efficiency to the efficiency of high dividend yielding Individual Stocks.

Investors need strong information about shared funds and Individual Stocks. You should grab quality newsletters and guides to make you a better financier if you desire to start transforming debt into wealth. You have to learn the basics or principles of investing.

It’s easy to see how vital this rule is. A good friend of mine owns about 100 various stocks in his portfolio. He regularly gets shocked by incomes reports and because there are many stocks therein, he can’t regularly track which ones are tanking and need to be sold. He’s lost a great deal of cash unnecessarily by spreading his investments too thin. Do not make that error.

If you’re a trader or thinking about trading stocks, you owe it to yourself to consider ETFs. Quite simply, they provide you more trading alternatives. And it’s all due to the fact that they trade similar to stocks.

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