Categories: P2P Lending

Diary Chris: Kenapa saya tidak berinvestasi di P2P Lending.

Top full videos relevant with Loan Saver Network, Growth of IRA Investments, Estate Investments, Structured Settlement Investments, and Is p2p Lending Halal, Diary Chris: Kenapa saya tidak berinvestasi di P2P Lending..

Di atas gunung es P2P, ada banyak hal yang dilupakan oleh calon investor P2P. Walaupun menggunakan beberapa jargon yang sama dengan dunia investasi lainnya, seperti imbal balik, tingkat gagal, NPL, dan fee, ada perbedaan mendasar yang harus kita perhatikan.

Perjalanan saya meriset tentang P2P dimulai dari beberapa pertanyaan oleh viewers sekalian di sesi live saya. Selama ini, ada perusahaan saya yang meminjam dari P2P, tapi ini pertama kali saya melihat P2P dari kacamata investor.

Tentu saja, riset saya tidak komprehensif, dan ada beberapa bagian yang masih saya harus pelajari. Salah satu pertanyaan yang muncul, adalah bagaimana P2P memiliki tingkat NPL yang equivalen, atau bahkan lebih rendah dari bank kelas atas Indonesia.

Dari riset saya dari industri P2P yang ada di

Beberapa poin (saya yakin pasti ada yang bertanya mengenai ini)

Keliatannya provisi dari bank dan p2p equivalen. Tapi kenyataannya tidak. Dalam pemberian kredit perbankan, biasanya provisi dikenakan 1x, dan disebar multiple year. Dlm p2p, biasanya tenornya lebih pendek, jadi provisi yang diberikan, hampir menyerupai annual fee. Tenor p2p yang paling panjang yang saya temukan adalah 2 tahun.

TKB90 bukan berarti itu tingkat kegagalan anda. Misalnya, kalau TKB90 ada di level 95%, anda masih bisa mengalami total loss, jika anda hanya memegang 1 portfolio yang gagal tersebut. Ingat, ada 5% portfolio yang gagal. Makanya, prinsip diversifikasi sangat penting utk mitigasi resiko. Seberapa besar tingkat diversifikasi? Ada perhitungannya, mungkin yang CFA atau spesialis bisa bantu hitungin. But I doubt it will be lower than 25 position.

Saya masih tidak yakin bahwa TKB90 yang digunakan sekarang merupakan angka yang merefleksikan resiko penuh dari investor. Saya tidak menemukan metodologi yang lebih kuat mendukung angka ini. Dan seberapa reliable angkanya. Sekali lagi, kalau anda mengatakan ada metode tertentu yang membuat p2p memiliki tingkat kegagalan kredit lebih kecil dari bank terbaik di Indonesia, anda tidak perlu susah-susah lagi membangun bisnisnya. Jual teknologi tersebut kepada bank yang memiliki NPL lebih tinggi, dan nilai nya akan jauh lebih besar.

Yang sudah terjadi di China, ada beberapa cara untuk memperbagus tingkat kesuksesan. Saya tidak mengatakan bahwa ini terjadi dengan P2P Indonesia, tapi di China, bad loans dpt ‘dibuang’ atau di redeem dengan cara membungkusnya dan di ambil oleh SPV tertentu. Sama seperti yang sudah terjadi di 2008 di Amrik, ketika kumpulan kredit bermasalah dapat diredam dengan securitization.

Poin saya, kembali lagi, kebanyakan investor tidak mempertimbangkan secara penuh, dari aspek regulasi, resiko, pajak, dan biaya ketika melihat p2p. Sering sekali produk p2p ini di sandingkan dengan aset class lain seperti sukuk, deposito, reksa dana, dan saham. Karena logo OJK. Kalo profil resiko, dari yg paling konservatif ke agresif, saya akan taruh deposito, sukuk/obligasi, saham, dan p2p. Just because p2p dalam bentuk fixed income, tidak membuat resikonya di bawah saham. Dan menurut saya, untuk resiko yang kita harus ambil, saya berpendapat, dari risk/return point of view, it is a bad trade-off.

Tapi yah, ini dari point of view saya. Orang lain pasti punya estimasi risk/return yang berbeda dengan saya. Dan p2p pasti ada marketnya, terutama mereka yang masih berada bracket pajak yang lebih rendah (up to 15%). Tapi bila itu adalah target marketnya, orang-orang seperti ini, tidak akan mampu mendapatkan tingkat diversifikasi yang aman. This is not an easy case.

Peraturan OJK:

Is p2p Lending Halal, Diary Chris: Kenapa saya tidak berinvestasi di P2P Lending..

Personal Loan Options For People With Bad Credit

Some of the easily available short term investment options are money market mutual funds, bridge or swing loans.
Is this money, money that you are not going to miss or wont need to tap into for a year or so?

Diary Chris: Kenapa saya tidak berinvestasi di P2P Lending., Watch trending full length videos related to Is p2p Lending Halal.

Trade In Peer To Peer Loans With A Lending Club

The final decision is yours and should be made wisely. One of three companies should be used to check your credit (Experian, TransUnion or Equifax). There are some people who buy and sell bonds for a living.

As you make investments, you sometimes make mistakes, however there are certain mistakes which you must altogether avoid if you want to emerge as a successful investor. Like for instance, a huge mistake which you can ever make is not making any investment at all! Or just putting off your decision to invest at a later date. Just make your funds work for you even if you can just spare just $50 a week.

There are many law firms online that will offer a free evaluation and then a paid service where they’ll fix your bad credit. You can write letters yourself but you must always act ethically Peer-to-peer lending investment and never contest information that you know to be accurate and true.

By putting your ideas on paper and discovering if your business idea is viable. How? By writing your business plan and learning once and for all if this is the time to take the plunge. A business plan forces you to do your research and flesh out your idea. It will determine if you are financially able to forge ahead.

Think about the importance of these collective investments and the value they bring. Providing all the capital himself could be a huge personal risk for the sausage maker. So the risk is shared among the investors, none of whom assumes a risk that he or she cannot afford. In fact each investor may benefit financially while serving the needs of the community in a delicious way. The act of investing serves an important and critical function in Peer-to-peer lending our economy.

First of all check the consistency of performance of the investment. Any investment can have a period o high performance in a bull market. A short burst of high yields might be down to a specific market issue, a spike in one sector or generally strong trend. To take out the short term success factor look at the investment over a three to five year period. If yields are consistent and if they performed well in market downturns then these are the sort of vehicles worth your time. They will show that steady management has kept these Investments returning good yields over a long period.

Investment is nothing but saving when you are spending. For taking the right steps, you need not learn the financial technicalities or jargon. You should move on the right track for which a financial planner may help you. Once you are on the right track, you can definitely have a good grip on your finances. Then, managing your investments will not be an issue at all.

How long can you keep the money parked? Is this money, money that you are not going to miss or wont need to tap into for a year or so? If it is than you are in a much better position to find the best short term investments. Many short investments that return the highest yields are investments that are going tie up your money for a certain term. Debt investments typically will tie up your money for at least 6 months, this means that if you want it back you are going to have to pay in the form of penalties. If you need to be able to move your money around more freely than you may want to consider a limited transaction account in the form of a Money Market Fund or a Money Market Account.

It can cause a serious amount of rift in the family f you do so as this is based completely on trust. A regular credit card is a form of unsecured loan. They also are not held to federal lending laws so be very cautious with these sites.

If you are looking more exciting videos about Is p2p Lending Halal, and Bad Credit Loans Online, Alternative Investments Guide, Establish Investment Goals, Startup Business please list your email address our email list for free.


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